2nd Arrow: daylong immersions to EXPLORE THE HEART OF TANTRA

Register here

@solestialchurch and @meetsamir is excited to introduce the new Elemental Activism: Rites of Repair Immersion from the Trauma Tantra & Activism series:
2nd Arrow: 5 daylong immersions to EXPLORE THE HEART OF TANTRA from July through Nov. Registration in Linked Tree
Working at the Roots: How do we bring an end to unnecessary suffering for ourselves and the world around us? How can we sever the bonds of greed, hatred, and delusion both within ourselves and in external systems?
Body as Cosmos: What Tantric practices can anchor us when ignorance consumes the world? By attuning breath, body and mind, we can unlock profound awareness & pleasure – our body becomes the temple where divinity dwells and where we realize interbeing & awakening.
Mastering Vedanã: Tantra teaches that sensation or Vedana is the key to break the cycle of suffering from it’s roots. Together, we will sharpen our direct understanding of impermanence (anicca), suffering (dukkha), and non-self (anatta) to realize (Tathata).
Though the workshops can build off of each other in succession, you can attend just one or all of them. Note: some dates subject to change so stay updated by filling out registration form.

elementalactivism #tantra #activism #Trauma


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